Weekly Goals #3: This Is My Week To… Green Up, Swap Up & Change It Up


Welcome, friends!

You wanna know something that's true? Writing down your goals is like a really good way to get them done. And telling people about it is a great way to keep accountable. Aka you guys rock. And you're making my life better. So I love you. And that's something that's true.

-last week's goals-

1. Survive my dentist appointment. GREAT SUCCESS! Look how survived I am right now!! Turns out it like WASN'T that big of a deal. Because I was so worried about the drill, I dgaffed hard about the four inch needle they stuck into my gums, which I am sure if I wasn't worried about the drill would've been the worst experience of my life. In 3 weeks I have to go back, so wish me and my poor gums luck.

2. Take pictures at my yoga studio. YESS!

Oh my gosh it was so cool. We snuck in about 30 minutes before classes started and took some super fun pics for my Incomplete Guide to Yoga For Spazzes Like Me. I want to take photos there like all the time. The owner of Yoga Centre is so nice and I am pretty sure she would let me. Although I need to figure out new poses that photograph well, so that's going to be a fun new adventure!

3.Do something fun that's *not* business related every day this week.Well… 

Well, that didn't exactly happen. I didn't do any sort of adult coloring, and I didn't see Pitch Perfect. (HOW HAS THIS NOT HAPPENED I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!) But John and I did do a mid-day beach date with In n Out + Kravabowl (because we won a free one!) AND I did go to Six Flags Sunday with Grant & Ashley plus my best girlfriend from college who lives in Palm Springs. SO it was THE PERFECT fun getaway. I will sacrifice any sort of small fun during the week for a day trip anytime. Especially because, you know what I realized with this goal? I am so worried about doing what's "fun" for other people (ps what is fun for other people?), I'm ignoring the fact that my kind of fun (photo shooting, blogging, networking, whatever) is fun for me.

Like, most of my kind of fun may all be work related, but shoot, doesn't that make me the luckiest person in the world?


-this week's goals-

This is my week to... green up, change it up & come up.

1. Eat something green every meal.

Oh, man. My Snap story may be like 364 seconds a day, but I could not bring myself to Snap the meals I had at Six Flags. Funnel cakes AND ice cream AND Dippin' Dots. I know, I know, I can hear your judgment from here. (Paleo schmaleo.) Thankfully, but not so thankfully, John also had a weekend of donuts + cookies, so this week we are CLEANING THAT ISH UP together. For me, my diet isn't about the way my body looks, it's about the way my body feels- and it does not feel good. So this week, every meal is gonna have some greens. I eat like a lot of meat, so this is gon' be a bit of a struggle so it looks like I'm gonna have to go grab a Costco sized spinach like.. stat. Yum.

2. Enjoy my clothing swap.

This is kind of a cheater goal because it's less of a goal and more like a guaranteed plan. I love my clothing swaps (also, you are totes invited!) and always score awesome free clothes from my girlfriends & have a fabulous time. This time, we are making it a bit of a bigger ordeal: I'm making a few goodie bags (shh! This is a surprise!), Haley & I are making paleo cookies, and I am gonna bust out the camera to capture the whole shebang. AND, we are going to donate all the remaining clothes to Children's Resource Network for homeless youth around SLO. This is a win win win win win. I can't even count how many wins this is.

3. Start my new website!

AH! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS. I painstakingly made my website this September when I went from Acro Photography to Asia Croson Photography, and I LOVE it, but it's not the easiest thing on the back end (AKA a pain in the ass, get it?). So, I am moving my website over to Squarespace + adding a few new things (LIKE AN AMAZING SENIOR PORTRAIT COMMERCIAL THAT I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT I HAD TO TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT IN CAPS.) + FAQ pages + a whole wedding website that's separate from my portrait website. It's gonna be the jam.

PS. When I launch my new website, I'm going to do a whole week of giveaways soooo be pumped for free stuff for you!


This Is My Week. And it’s your week, too. What are your goals for the week?


p.s. These photos were taken on my boyfriend's parents property. HOW PICTURESQUE is that? Like looks like a picture frame. Sigh. I love SLO.

p.p.s. Watch Paige's hilarious weekly goals video. Architecture school looks rough.