Weekly Goals #2: This Is My Week To… Survive, Photograph & HAVE FUN.


You know what I wish? I wish last week I would've made one of my goals: "Make another weekly goals post." Because I TOTALLY WOULD'VE SUCCEEDED! I LOVE REACHING MY GOALS.

Welcome, friends!

This is my place to share with you guys my weekly goals- personal, blog, business, whatever-I-want goals. And let me just tell you, the fact that I have to report to you guys how I did on my goals was *SUPER* motivating. If you follow me on Snap (@asiacroson), you know that I started my retirement fund on Wednesday at midnight. Wait! I can't give it all away!

-last week's goals-

1. Find a make up routine that won't kill me. GREAT SUCCESS! I am so excited about this! As you know, I care only a smudge (that's a pun) about make up, so I definitely wanted to make sure that it was worth it putting it on my face at all. You can see all of my non-killer make up finds here! Yay!! Long live the queen! (I'm the queen in this scenario.)

2. Kick off my blog with four new posts.
 Jyessss. Sigh. Life of a blogger has begun. AND I LOVE IT. As promised, I put out John & I's Canadian travel, a Taking Shots video, my make up haul *AND* a Fun Things Friday! I have to say, guys, again, I love blogging.

So thank you for reading and keeping me going.

3. Start a senior rep program. Mosttllyyyy. SO! I finally got my senior gals their rep cards and they are ADORABLE. I had a bit of a printing issue, but once I called the company and bitched asked nicely, they fixed things right up for me. I cannot wait to show my girls and get them started! They each get their own fabulous web page, and *that* is a goal for next week!

4. Start a retirement fund.
 Yes! I already gave it away! We started one through Fidelity Investments on Wednesday at 11:47 pm. Nothing like late night craziness. I can say that I feel more adult than ever, although I still am like "REALLY?! This money is going to me being sixty?!" but I know my sixty year old, travel loving self will be sooo appreciative. Because at that point I will be a millionaire thanks to retirement so HOLLA. Oh. I can also buy my first house with it? But that's like way too adult for me.


-this week's goals- This is my week to... survive, stretch my photo skills (it's a pun, you'll get it), and just have fun.

  1. Survive my dentist appointment.I really hate the dentist. Like it gets worse as I get older, I hate it hate it hate it. Last time I was supposed to go, my dentist was 45 minutes and I was I was like “I have to go to my work… my boss needs me.” Like *I know* I am my own boss, but I *needed* myself outtatheresofast. But now the reschedule date has come. WHY IS BEING AN ADULT SO HARD. Also I'm keeping standards really low for this goal: survival. I didn't say "Don't cry" or "Don't bite your dentist"... just survive, Asia, just survive.
  2. Take pictures at my yoga studio.My health post on Wednesday is set to be “An Incomplete Guide To Yoga For People With Too Much Energy”, and it’s fabulous. BUT I have to take photos of me at my yoga studio first or it will just not be complete (can't have a blog post without my face plastered ALL OVER IT). So I’m hoping to slip in when no one else is around, and take some beautiful photos in front of their awesome arch windows. They will definitely be different photos for me, but a fun way to *stretch * my skills... ya see what I did there.
  3. Do something fun that's *not* business related every day this week.I have a lot of fun with my business. I love blogging, I love taking photos, I love editing them, I pretty much love everything. (Cause if I didn't, why would I be doing this? Ya know?) But sometimes I go through this "I don't do anything fun" phase that lasts a few hours. During those two hours, I typically write a huge list of all the fun things I've done recently (which is admittedly long.. I mean I'm not saying these feelings are rational), and then plan like cray for all the fun things I have coming up. So this week, I'm going to treat myself to some adult coloring books (not like PORN my GOD people, like intricate fancy flowers), go to the beach if the sun ever decides to come out, and tonight I'm seeing PITCH PERFECTT HALLELUJAHHH I'M SO EXCITED!!

This Is My Week. And it’s your week, too. What are your goals for the week?

p.s. My student Julia took these photos of me during one of our photo sessions last week, while we were modeling for Twisted Root Designs bracelets. So.fun.